About the Author

Diane Williams is the author of the book Angels in Action: 12 stories to inspire. She currently works as a full time freelance writer writing books, book reviews, profiles and feature journalistic articles in La Verne, CA. She is soon to release her memoir, “The Invisible Child.”

Diane’s work has appeared in Guideposts Magazine, Pray! magazine, Plus magazine, Living Light News, Christian Journal, La Verne magazine, the La Verne Community Newspaper, the San Bernardino West Side Story News and the San Dimas Anthology. Diane is a witness and counselor to people across the nation who call the Guideposts Prayer Ministry hotline.

Diane grew up in New York and attended Brooklyn College where she completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology with a minor in Social Work. After graduating she married her college beau. Diane led the life of a career woman: juggling work, children and wifely obligations. However, in 1992, her elevated flight plunged into a tumultuous ocean of doubt when she was forced to scale the twisted precipice of chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis. That mountain was a steep climb: her career ended, her husband disappeared and her bank account evaporated; leaving her alone to fulfill the role of both mother and provider for her two daughters as she has been liberated by a wheelchair.

Through it all- scaling that rocky ascent gave her a vantage point in her life which was above all she had previously known. She took this newfound perspective as an opportunity to become more compassionate and to live life fearlessly. Diane and her daughters created Angleworks, a non- profit for young caregivers. In 1995 she graduated from The University of La Verne’s Graduate School of Communication with an emphasis in Journalism.


Diane maintains the blogs mindofagoddess.wordpress.com  &  writerworks.wordpress.com